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Dr. Ahmed Darwish


Ph.D. In Computer Engineering from the Unlversity of Callfomla, Davls In 1988. He recalved the Egyptian Natlonal Engineering Award for the year 1998. Dr. Darwish was selected by Singapore to receive the Middle East Eminent Persons Award (MEEP)-2007 In recognition for hls work. He also Recalved the Life Time Achlevement Medal for his distingulshed career from Unlversity of Callfornia, Davls In 2017. His 2 last pubic positions were Minister of State for Administration Development (2004-2011) and Charman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (2015-2017). As a Chalrman of the SCZone, he lald the foundation of one of largest Special Economic Zones In the world (461 sq km and 6 ports). As the Minster of State for Administration Development (2004- 2011). This Included three major portfollos; e-Goverment, Institutional and Human Resources Development and Governance Institutionalization (Including transparency and Integrity In government and public sector). The work done by the team was Interationally recognized. Egypt's Government electronic and web services rank was 23 out of 192 countrles according to the 2010 UN-PAN report and the program recelved the best service award both from the UN In New York (2009) and the African Union In Johannesburg (2008). Egypt was accepted as a member of the Public Governance Committee in OECD. He ls a consultant to a number of international organizations (UNDP, UNIDO, WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO, ESCWA, European Unlon and World Bank), government organizations and companles In Egypt, Middle East, Africa, Europe and United States.